On Sunday Emily, Shayne, Max, and Jude came down for some home cooked chili. I know it's July and who eats chili when its 100 degrees outside, but its Bret's favorite!

Friday, July 30, 2010
I took work off last Thursday and we went to the zoo. Jude came with us and that made me happy. She and Emmett feel asleep on the way up there, and I wish I would have taken a picture of them. It was cute. Emmett loved the monkeys, and we spent a lot of time watching them. We ended up buying him a stuffed animal monkey and he wore it around his neck all day. I love buying that kid stuff. I could spend all my money on toys, clothes, etc... for him. I guess thats what moms do.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Maxwell Coy Hunsaker was born Saturday, July. 17, 2010 at 12:34 am on his due date...right on schedule. I have been so excited for Emily to have her baby. We just love him and we're so happy he's finally here. It's exciting to see Emily as a mom. She just LOVES him!! He's so lucky to have her as his mom.
My Mom, Nana, Emmett, and I went to the Nephi Ute Stampede Rodeo on Friday night. It was a lot of fun. There was a nice breeze this year, and we didn't spend the whole time sweating like we normally do. Emmett LOVED the rodeo. He sat on my lap the whole time and kept pointing to the animals and would say, "cow" or "horse". He was a very good baby. I wish I had a picture of his entire outfit. He had the whole "get-up" goin on, boots, wrangler, hat. He looked very cute.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Emmett Update
Emmett said his first sentence last night. He was reading a book with Grandpa and he said, "There's the cat". Clear as day. Calvin and I both looked at each other and Grandpa said, "that was a sentence". We were both surprised!! Emmett's favorite toys/things lately are: trains, books, video-camera(which he's allowed to watch but not touch), throwing rocks, running through sprinklers, Grandma's two wooden chickens, animals, etc...
He also freely gives kisses to Mom & Dad and basically anybody who wants one. When he wakes up in the morning I bring him into bed with me and he climbs his way up to my head and kisses it and says, "ahhhhh cute". He's so funny. He also says,"Oh Gosh" and "Love You".
Emily is due tomorrow and I can't wait to meet her baby and see her as a mom. She'll be great! For some reason, I'm overly excited for Emily's baby to come. Maybe it's because we've waited so long for her to have a baby.
He also freely gives kisses to Mom & Dad and basically anybody who wants one. When he wakes up in the morning I bring him into bed with me and he climbs his way up to my head and kisses it and says, "ahhhhh cute". He's so funny. He also says,"Oh Gosh" and "Love You".
Emily is due tomorrow and I can't wait to meet her baby and see her as a mom. She'll be great! For some reason, I'm overly excited for Emily's baby to come. Maybe it's because we've waited so long for her to have a baby.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
July 4th
We went to Minersville for the 4th of July. They have quite the celebration down there. I ran in the first annual 5k. My time was 25:51...just average but I tasted the blood/iron taste in my mouth the whole time so that means I ran hard. Then we watched the parade. Emmett played with his new toy train the entire parade. He can't even function when that thing is around. All he thinks about is the train...it's outrageous.
Here's a classic picture of our favorite fire fighter Dale Bowden. What a stud!!
Emmett also ran in the foot race this year. They have all the kids race in age/gender groups. Emmett took 3rd and I was just glad he ran. (Of course he ran to Bret who was holding the train)
They also had a great dinner and games for the kids. It was a lot of fun. Later that night we went to St George to see Blair & Vanessa's new baby Annistyn. Oh my heavens, she is cute!! Here is a picture of her below.

Makes me want a baby girl. Maybe one day??? My mom keeps telling me I'll have 4 boys, but I highly doubt that.
This last picture was taken last Thursday. I came home from work and this is what the boys had been up to. CUTE!Thursday, July 1, 2010
Happy 90th Birthday
June 28, 2010 was my grandma Bellrae's 90th birthday. Doesn't she look fabulous? We had a big party for her at the new Springville Civic Center. She never tells her age so it was quite a surprise for her friends to find out she turned 90. What a great accomplishment! My grandma is still very active and independant. She does more for us then we do for her. She has a very busy schedule with senior citizens, Presbyterian church, PW Women, hair appointments, yard work, sewing, cooking, cleaning, etc... She is a very hard worker and I'm sure that is where my mom gets it from. (I hope that quality continues down the line)
We've been planning her party for a few weeks and I didn't know it was going to have such a huge affect on me. It really put life into prospective, and reminded me about what is most important. First off, she had about 60 people RSVP...who has that many friends??? I can only think of a handful of people who I would invite to my 27th birthday. We had a catered dinner and birthday cake. Then my mom and Emily expressed a few memories and talents/traits of my grandma. Emily talked about how she wanted to play the piano when she was 6 years old. My parents couldn't afford lessons, and when she turned 8 my grandma sent a $25 check each month for 6 years to pay for Emily's piano lessons. I know it was a sacrafice for my grandma to make, but she loves us and wanted to help Emily develope her talents.
At the end we had a slide show of her life. I loved seeing her baby pictures, and the pictures of her with her 3 sisters. It reminded me of me and my sisters. My favorite picture was one of her holding my mom as a baby. I thought to myself, "That is me right now with my baby. Pictures of me with Emmett will hopefully be in my 90th birthday party slide show." I also loved seeing pictures of my grandpa John again. He wasn't my biological grandpa but he was the only grandpa I knew. I almost forgot what a good looking man he was.
Anyways, the party was a hit and I've been on a high about it for days now. Cody even said, "This is the best party I've ever been to". He's 6 years old :) My grandma was so happy and that is what makes me happy. We finally got to do something speical for her, which was long over due. I called her after the party and she said, "That was so much fun. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight."

We've been planning her party for a few weeks and I didn't know it was going to have such a huge affect on me. It really put life into prospective, and reminded me about what is most important. First off, she had about 60 people RSVP...who has that many friends??? I can only think of a handful of people who I would invite to my 27th birthday. We had a catered dinner and birthday cake. Then my mom and Emily expressed a few memories and talents/traits of my grandma. Emily talked about how she wanted to play the piano when she was 6 years old. My parents couldn't afford lessons, and when she turned 8 my grandma sent a $25 check each month for 6 years to pay for Emily's piano lessons. I know it was a sacrafice for my grandma to make, but she loves us and wanted to help Emily develope her talents.
At the end we had a slide show of her life. I loved seeing her baby pictures, and the pictures of her with her 3 sisters. It reminded me of me and my sisters. My favorite picture was one of her holding my mom as a baby. I thought to myself, "That is me right now with my baby. Pictures of me with Emmett will hopefully be in my 90th birthday party slide show." I also loved seeing pictures of my grandpa John again. He wasn't my biological grandpa but he was the only grandpa I knew. I almost forgot what a good looking man he was.
Anyways, the party was a hit and I've been on a high about it for days now. Cody even said, "This is the best party I've ever been to". He's 6 years old :) My grandma was so happy and that is what makes me happy. We finally got to do something speical for her, which was long over due. I called her after the party and she said, "That was so much fun. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to sleep tonight."
I'm going to see if I can get a copy of some of the pictures from the slide show and I'll add them below.
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