Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Holstein & 2012 Canning

Our first pet! We bought Emmett a rabbit and he wanted a black and white, so he could name it Holstein. This kid loves
cows! I think he thinks anything that is black and white is a "holstein". He's a farmer at heart..just like his dad.

Dad built a great cage!

Our Holstein

Cowboy and I made 26 jars of peach jam. It looks beautiful
and tastes great too. We have three peach tress and we
were overloaded with fruit.

I have a new canning buddy and that person is...I bet you can't guess.....Bret Erickson. Who would have guessed such a manly man loved to can. We have bottled maybe 80 quarts of pears and 24 pints of chili sauce. This is a picture of our chili sauce in the making. It's delicious.

Here is our finished chili sauce and you can see some of our pears in the back ground. Lee Haupt from my ward taught me how to can my pears and only asked that I help somebody else in the future. Done and Done! I helped Bret and my sister in law Natalie. Lee was really sweet to help me and she said she'd teach me to make bread this winter.

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