Karma asked me to help her make a quilt with all of Clint's 4H T-shirts. It was fun to make and good experience for me. I've never made one before, and learned a lot. I cut out each shirt and then had to iron on fusible web to the back of each piece because the jersey material stretches so easily. After I had it pieced together the Corn Wagon quilted it for us, and I did the binding. It's a small lap quilt.
I've been training for the St. George Marathon this summer. I'm up to about 17 miles now, and the next few weeks will be some intense running. I still have an 18 & 20 miler ahead of me. I've done fairly well this year...running has become more enjoyable as the years go on and I find I struggle less mentally. I finally learned that if I'm struggling to just keep pushing through and I seem to come out of my rough spell (which may only last a few miles). I think I used to get down and think too negative when I was hurting and that makes for a miserable run. I've also been running sprints this year to see if I can improve my speed, but we'll see what race day brings. I think I'm capable of a 3:50:00 this year, not my best time but let's say my 2nd best time. This will be my 9th marathon.
such a great idea!