Monday, August 27, 2012

Camping & Cattle Drive

 We went camping at Fish Lake this year. It was fun but I'm looking forward to camping days when my kids are older. Emmett had a good time and was a great kid. Adah was a dirt ball at the end of the day. She was into everything and constantly falling due to uneven ground. I feel like I spent two days chasing her in the woods, but none the less we had a good time. Emmett is a natural at riding horses. He wants to ride by himself and is very comfortable around animals. He loved playing with his cousins, which makes it worth the whole trip. I was able to go on a 9 mile run while there and they had showers which made camping nice for me.

Emmett was pretending to be an antalope with his stick antlers and he wanted to give Adah an antalope ride. She loved it and would wrap her legs around him and giggle the whole time. I love seeing my kids play and laugh together.

Our Little Cowgirl!
I'm not sure if I've ever posted a picture of the Albrecht's lodge out at their ranch. It's beautiful inside and has a fantastic view!

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