Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I went to Costco yesterday after work to pick up a few items, but mostly to get some strawberries. I've been craving them like crazy lately. I walked back to get them and there weren't any. I asked a worker if they had any and he said yes but they won't be out until later that afternoon. (it was already 4:00pm...that is afternoon) I walked away pretty disappointed and upset about it but finsihed my shopping and left. Once I got in my car I started crying and I'm positive it was over the strawberries. My mind was telling me how stupid it was to cry over strawberries but I couldn't help it. (I seriously need to have this baby sooner then later!!!) After about 20 minutes I pulled myself together and I've felt fine since. I remember feeling a little emotional after Emmett was born but not before I gave birth.


  1. maybe it's a girl. i can't even sing to my songs on my mp3 player without crying lol.

  2. Costco does have some gooooood strawberries. I might have bawled too.
