New Babysitter & New Job
Emmett is at the new babysitter's house today for his 2nd time. Last week Collett watched him a half day, and he spent the first hour at the front door waiting for me or Bret to come get him. Collett had to feed him breakfast at the door and I can just see him sitting there thinking, "Don't worry about me, I'm sure my mom will be here soon". Poor guy! Collett is just wonderful and I'm so thankful for her help. I just hope Emmett adjusts to her quickly for his sake and for hers. I also want to thank Jill for watching Emmett the past year. I am going to re-pay you one day. You saved me a lot of worry, as I trust you with Emmett more then I trust myself :)
Bret got a new job working for Little Giant Ladder and he starts next Monday. He'll be traveling a lot but we are both excited about the new opportunity. We are also very thankful for his last job at Helton Automotive. He really enjoyed working there and learned a lot about cars. He would have loved to stay but needed more growth/career to provide for our family. Thank you Paul for the job!
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