Sunday, March 21, 2010


I am so happy today is Sunday and I have no plans, no place to go (except church of course), and its suppose to be warm weather! Bret is still sleeping because we take turns on the weekend getting up when Emmett wakes up. I get up 80% of the time and Bret...well he tries. I don't mind though because I'm usually less tired then he is. He works hard. He just got back last night from a two day horse back riding trip with my mom and a few friends. Who takes their mother-in-law on an overnight campout in March? He's a good man...good man!

I love this picture of him. He looks so manly, because he is so manly! That is his horse Memphis that my mom gave us for our wedding. She gave us a new horse and his parents gave us a cow. Were we born in the 1800's? We actually are very grateful for both animals. Bret has trained Memphis and she's a great horse. I even dare get on her. Our cow also give us about $400 each year when we sell her calf. Always a nice bonus! Anyways, I spent the weekend with Emily which is always fun. We went up to watch Jen run her first half marathon. Jen did great and finished under 2 hours. She didn't know we were coming, so it was fun to surprise her. Emmett was extra clingy to me this weekend. It always makes me miss Bret when he acts this way. He helps a lot!

What cute boys!


  1. You guys are such a cute family! Emmett is getting so big! I can't wait to see him again.

  2. I love your new couches!! It is so hard to find ones that recline that are that cute! Hope you are well. Come down soon!
