Saturday, August 4, 2012

Baby Emmett

I've been looking through old pictures tonight and came across these pictures of when Emmett was a new baby. I love this picture of Bret looking at his baby. He loves his babies and can't get enough of them. I am so lucky to have a husband that loves his babies as much as I love them.  It makes me want to hold a new baby, that awesome new baby smell, clean jammies, sleeping in your arms, watching a show....ahhh those were the days. I love that we have diapers and a changing station on the couch. I really loved those times of my life...just as much as I love them now. I sometimes think about how nice it will be when my kids get older and more independant, but I also love that I have more years of babies. Nothing is like that first's was so peaceful. Emmett has always been such a cuddly baby. He still lets me hug and hold him whenever I want. I love him!
I took the bottom picture just the other night and loved it because that is the exact face I remember him having as a baby. Maybe it's those lips...or the cheeks...I don't know but he's perfect!