Tuesday, January 31, 2012

January Pictures

Emmett and Dad with their snowman. So glad we finally got some snow this winter.

Happy Adah. 8 months.

Dr. Emmett. These two love each other. Adah is always watching and laughing at Emmett. Both my kids have been sick the past few days with fevers, coughs, runny noses, etc... It hasn't been fun. I took them to the doctor and Emmett has his first ear infection. Poor kid! It's been a hard day having them both want me to hold them. My mom was so helpful. I also got lasik yesterday afternoon. It's a mighty miracle...I CAN SEE! I was pretty nervous but thank goodness for the valium they give you. I was sleepy and relaxed and told Dr. Hoopes that I was more nervous then I was acting. It was really fast and not painful. I wouldn't say it was a piece of cake because its very freaky having somebody mess with your eyes. I can see perfect today and I'm so happy I finally got it done. My prescription was -4.50 and I couldn't funtion in this world without contacts or glasses. I got it done at Hoopes Vision and Dr. Hoopes Sr. did my surgery. Bret's friend/distant relative is a doctor there and gave us a killer deal. It was hard to pass up, so we decided this was the year to do it. I should have done it a long time ago!

St George Half Marathon

Kurt Evans and I ran the St George half marathon together on Jan. 21st. He ran the full marathon in Oct and only ran twice before this race, a 3 and 5 miler. I've been running about 4 times a week but usually around 4-5 miles each day. I did run one 7 miler to make sure I was capable of running a little further and then we signed up and decided to give it our best. We ran the whole time but had a slow and steady pace. My legs got tight around mile 10 but my mind and energy level felt great. I just wasn't conditioned to run that far. We finished at 2:05, a 9:30 minute mile. I hadn't run more then 7 miles since I was pregnant with Adah. It felt great to get back into race mode. I want to run a PR (personal record) for my full marathont this year.
It was so fun running with Kurt. He's like a brother to me and we're great running partners. The time flew by and we both couldn't believe it was over so soon.

Baby Blankets

I made these baby blankets for Emily's baby. I had to buy a walking foot for my sewing machine in order to sew minki material. It's normally a huge pain to sew this material but the walking foot worked wonders. It was $170..yikes! Bret doesn't know the price yet and he won't until he reads this blog. (that could be months down the road).
I can't wait to meet our new baby girl..one more month! I wish Emily the best luck with the end of her pregnancy!

New Years Eve

We went to Minersville for New Years and had a fun party with the Albrecht family. Karma made some killer pork tacos! I love that woman! We always have fun hanging out together. It's a full house but worth it. Emmett likes being his cousins and always loves to feed Grandpa's cows.

Albrecht Boys! (I can't say "THE MEN" and if you're an Albrecht you'll know why.)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lassiter Christmas Party

Ben always does a Christmas party at his house and this year was awesome. He's been planning and preparing for months and it turned out great. His house was a winter wonderland. I've never seen so many decorations. There were prizes for best costume, best performance (during the program), best food display, and best Christmas spirit. Jen won best costume which you can see below. Kurt won best performance, which was well deserved. He's the only one with any talent :) Tiffany won best food display and my mom won best Christmas spirit. Our program this year was awesome. Luke danced for us and came in a close second for winning that category. Bret E. played the recorder while Jill did a few actions. Emily and Shayne re-enacted their midnight wedding ceremony. I played the guitar which I spent the last 3 weeks practicing, and we also had a few serious stories and poems read.

Bret got the "BIG" Christmas this year. That means that everybody bought him a gift, so he was overloaded with presents. One person a year gets it.

Jen's costume

Elf Tiffany

Ben wondering how he's going to clean up this mess. He keeps his house spotless and kept cleaning up after people. In fact, he said he was going to charge a $12.95 fee for people who didn't clean up before they left.

Luke opening an artistic masterpiece. Tiff is one lucky girl!

Me and Adah

Mrs. and Mr. Claus (Nana and Jude)