Emmett and Dad with their snowman. So glad we finally got some snow this winter.

Happy Adah. 8 months.

Dr. Emmett. These two love each other. Adah is always watching and laughing at Emmett. Both my kids have been sick the past few days with fevers, coughs, runny noses, etc... It hasn't been fun. I took them to the doctor and Emmett has his first ear infection. Poor kid! It's been a hard day having them both want me to hold them. My mom was so helpful. I also got lasik yesterday afternoon. It's a mighty miracle...I CAN SEE! I was pretty nervous but thank goodness for the valium they give you. I was sleepy and relaxed and told Dr. Hoopes that I was more nervous then I was acting. It was really fast and not painful. I wouldn't say it was a piece of cake because its very freaky having somebody mess with your eyes. I can see perfect today and I'm so happy I finally got it done. My prescription was -4.50 and I couldn't funtion in this world without contacts or glasses. I got it done at Hoopes Vision and Dr. Hoopes Sr. did my surgery. Bret's friend/distant relative is a doctor there and gave us a killer deal. It was hard to pass up, so we decided this was the year to do it. I should have done it a long time ago!