Tuesday, January 11, 2011

24 Weeks

I am 24 weeks/6 months. This pregnancy is going by faster then the first one and I'm getting more excited and nervous. For the first time I was a little frustrated that I don't know the gender of the baby, and that's because we've been talking about baby names. I have a bunch of girl names I like but no boy names, which makes me want a girl.

Belly Shots:

I've been using my new sewing machine like mad lately. I'm trying to finish up some projects that I started but never finished. Here is an oven mit that I made. Very cute but kind of odd shaped. The thumb hole isn't as deep as I would want it, but I followed the pattern. It also has a little hanging tab but I sewed it wrong and its on the inside of the mit...I"m too lazy to fix it. Who really hangs up their oven mit anyways.


  1. too cute! you and the mit! ;) happy growing and happy sewing!

  2. Wow you are super tiny! Your mit is super cute too! Hope you had a great birthday.

  3. look how great you look Amylou! And your mitten is adorable and NOBODY hangs up an oven mitten, i mean, come on. Love you!

  4. are they called mits? man, my whole life i have been calling them mittens.

  5. Mittens would imply 2..right? I've always just said oven mit. I'm going to text you right now.

  6. You are the cutest TINY prego girl I know. You look adorable.
    I think the oven mitten is perfect...if it gets the job done then why fix it? ha ha. Heck I couldn't even sew a thing.
