We went to Minersville for Christmas this year. Bret got off work early at 11:00pm on Christmas Eve, so we packed up the car and drove to Minersville that night. The fog was really thick so we had to drive slower then usual ,but we made it and by the time we unpacked the car and set up Christmas it was 4:00am. Bret is used to staying up that late but it took a toll on me. Emmett understood the concept of opening a present but didn't get the magic of Christmas. He loved his toys and also fought with his cousins over the toys. One point during this weekend, Grandpa Calvin was watching the kids and said, " I've never done so much refereeing in my life." (hard to believe). Emmett got a tricycle, doodle board, Ice Age movie, a few farm animals, clothes, etc... He loves those hard plastic animals from IFA or CalRanch. They're expensive suckers but they'll never break. Max and Maverick both got these big stuffed horses to ride and Emmett wouldn't get off of them. This was the number 1 toy they all fought over. At one point I thought Emmett was going to fall asleep on it.

Ireceived a new camera from Santa ;) I got a Nikon D3000. I have no idea how to use it but I'm learning. I know nothing about photography but I wanted a camera that will take a pic fast enough to catch the moment or have a picture with Emmett's eyes open.(the flash on my old camera bothered him so he always closed his eyes)

We went sledding down by Milford on Monday. The kids loved it and it was fun watching them.
We also did some horse carriage rides. These horses are huge, the picture doesn't do them justice.

New years Eve was fun, we went to Emily's house and Shayne made Stromboli. I wasn't feeling that great that night so didn't eat as much as I originally planned. I love that dish. I stayed at Emily's house until about 9pm because Emmett was tired and asked me if we could go home. How cute!!! Bret had to work but surprised me again when he got off early and made it home at 12:02am. Isn't Max the cutest baby? I think he looks like Emily more and more everyday. I just love his brown eyes, which you can't see in this picture due to the tears. I'll find another picture of him to post soon.

Grandma Jude with the Emmett, Carly, and Max
I was working on the puzzle and Emmett yells at me from downstairs, "mom...hold you". Meaning he wanted me to hold him. I walked to the stairs expecting to carry him up and found him laying on the stairs. I walked down to get him and he said, "night night" and then kept saying "home". I guess walking up 13 stairs is too much when you've been partying that much.

Later that night Carly kept telling Emily, "Emmett made me nervous." Emily asked her why and she said,"he wanted to go night night on the stairs."
Incase you're wondering...yes we do workout!!!!